Wednesday, October 19, 2011


In The Man in the High Castle there is an element that connects all characters, if they all believed in Bokonon they would be considered as in a group. All of these characters live their lives under a permanant disguise, even if they don't even realize it. These disguises is even exemplified through the items mentioned throughout the novel. Philip Dick writes this entire novel with the idea that nothing is as it seems. I could go on listing multiple examples of this; some of which include Frank Frink, Joe Cinnadella, the .44 colt, etc... In order for each character to successfully live their lives they must live a lie or sacrifice themselves to being a part of a lie. In fact if you ponder it anyone who lays their fate in the I Ching can be included in this group. This idea of everything and everyone having a false front tells me in a world ruled by violence and secrecy nothing may ever be what it seems. That in order to succeed one must risk everything. However that false fronts that are smeared on every characters face is what must be true in order for their cause to be successful.

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