Wednesday, October 12, 2011

In every book we have read so far, there is always some sort of reference to an escape from reality. This made me wonder, is reality really that bad? In some cases no but everyone has those days when its just too much to handle. Having an escape is justifiable, to some extent. What Im trying to say is that its not ok to go through life in a complete fantasy world but its ok to have something that gives you a temporary escape from the harness that life can sometimes bring. Like Dick talked about in The Man in the High Castle, “Perhaps if you know you are insane, then you are not insane. Or are becoming sane, finally.” You are only crazy if you don’t realize that you are living in a fantasy world. In other words, you are free to escape reality you just cant forget the “truth.”

The reason that having an escape is justifiable is because what good is it to go through life miserable? Your not doing any good for yourself, your community, or the world if your burnt out and depressed. Having an escape allows you to find happiness even in your darkest days. I think being happy is one of the keys to life. If and when all else fails, your still happy then that is the only thing that matters. That in and of itself implies that you have led a successful life. That’s my opinion of course; at the end of it all when your asked, “well are you happy?” and you can confidently answer “yes” then you have lived a good life.

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