Sunday, December 4, 2011


The title of the film “Memento” reminds me of the Spanish word “momento,” as in a moment, but the title and the word it reminds me of have different meanings. The way the story is told makes me think that the main character is stuck in a moment in time. He can’t form new memories; he can only recall what he learned before the accident because his thoughts are erased. For example, in the scene in the bathroom, the man couldn’t recall that he intended to use as a weapon the bottle he was holding.

The movie also takes us back farther in time, rather than progressing forward as would be natural in a movie. I would guess the film does this because in the beginning it gives the viewer the impression that the story starts near the end. So it must work itself backward for us to fully understand what is happening. Regardless, I am enjoying “Memento.”

1 comment:

  1. The title of the short story is "Momento Mori," which is Latin for: "Remember your mortality" or quite simply, "Remember you must die."
