Monday, February 2, 2015

Supernatural: Not Very Natural

In Supernatural, Chuck’s ability to see something happen, believe it’ll happen, and then the fact that it does happen, is extremely similar to fiction writing. Obviously, the ideas that are presented in Chuck’s visions would not actually occur in real life. However, the way that they are presented is what makes them so believable and seemingly accurate within that particular context, causing the audience to become as invested in the show/fiction writing as they are. Chuck said in the episode, “I write things and they come to life”. This tied back so well to An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, as it was written so vividly and with so much imagery, like the images that Chuck physically sees in his mind, that the reader can’t help but believe that it is true.  Despite the plot of Supernatural being obviously unrealistic, the audience is still sucked in because there are elements that are relatable, such as romance, family and friendship, which make the unbelievable details seem just a bit more plausible. It’s also a nice touch that Supernatural uses metanarrative to almost make fun of their own show, as if to beat the viewers to the punch by saying, we know it’s unrealistic, and we bring in characters and events out of nowhere, but it works.

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