Friday, November 6, 2009

Aura x 9

There is a point in the book when Fuentes says that "Aura is living in this house: to perpetuate the illusion of youth and beauty in that poor, crazed old lady." Thinking about this theory made me more and more convinced that that was the reason (or at least a major part) why Consuelo created Aura. She made her so when she became old and sick she would have some youth around her. To prove this statement more, I thought about how the cats fit into this story. Cats have 9 lives, something Consuelo could be jealous of. And that jealousy was being portrayed in the way she treated the cats when she was young (a.k.a. strangleing them). She is passed a 100 years old and very sick; the only thing keeping her going to finding a "general" for Aura.

1 comment:

  1. This a really nice interpretation of the cats and Aura. I was completely clueless of the purpose of the cats at first but the way you perceived could possibly be true. The way you see it cats have 9 lives to old and yet have another chance at being young again. On the other hand Consuelo only has one. To add on to interpretation, Consuelo may create Aura in order for Consuelo to experience the same luxuries that these cats have at multiple lives. You state that Aura is the youth around her. There could also be another reason for Aura' existence. "I can invoke her, I can give her life with my own life!" (Fuentes 133). Since Consuelo is barren Aura is like her own child that she loves and cares for. If there is no Aura there will only be the withering, frail, lonely Consuelo left. Consuelo creates Aura in order to promise her own existence and to have a reason to live.
