Sunday, January 30, 2011

Live by the foma..

When I first read the quote "Live by the foma that make you brave and kind and healthy and happy" before starting "Cat's Cradle", it resonated in my head not only to the book itself, but to life in general. Our perceptions make up our own realities, and yet our perceptions cannot always be seen as "truth" since no one views the same situation exactly as you do. Does this mean that the situation in your eyes is any more or less truthful than another person's viewpoint? I started thinking about what the word "truth" really means, and I could not find a clear definition. If everything is perception, what is truth? Is "truth" different for everyone? Does that mean anything is true? Is everything a lie? Are the any real facts? Is belief all that matters? I also thought of the mantra "Fake it until you make it" and how many people I know, myself included, have used that mantra in many situations. All these questions and thoughts popped into my mind, and as I read "Cat's Cradle" I wondered what inspired Vonnegut to write this novel. Perhaps he also was wondering about truth and lies as I was when I began reading. But does that really matter? I enjoyed the book mostly because I finished the book wondering about life.

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