Thursday, March 24, 2011


So, I still question why Dana was not able to bring Rufus back to the future with her. I mean, she could take backpacks, toothpaste, knives, all kinds of inanimate objects to and from with her, and (with respect to the dead) corpses are inanimate objects, aren't they? Anyway, sometimes in this class I have no idea how to contribute to the discussion. I read Kindred as a story and decided to listen to what people had to say about it and develop my own ideas based off of them. However, the discussion got jumbled and I was stuck thinking, "What on earth? ... " Yet I have still managed to come up with two questions I can base a thesis off of. Yay me!

P.S. I've noticed Alex in particular gets cut off in class a lot... Not fair.


  1. I agree I think we all get excited sometimes and we tend to cut him off. He does have a lot of good points ( no matter how long he may take to get there ;) ).

  2. Yes, indeed. Alex does get cut off, and I am mostly to blame for this. But as Alex knows (since I have told him as much), I cut him off not b/c he talks too much but b/c oftentimes others talk too little! And so when someone more quiet raises a hand or makes a move to talk, I often err on the side of these students. But Alex absolutely has fantastic contributions to make... and he is not afraid to make them. Perhaps more of you can follow his example? (I'm speaking to all of you more quiet students... you know who you are.)
