Saturday, March 12, 2011

So I finally saw Inception...

And I liked it. A lot. But after taking this course, and sort of knowing what to expect, it wasn't that big of a trip, like everyone said it would be. I didn't lose my cool when the credits rolled; I accepted it. In fact, I kind of thought 'so what?". I'm not sure if it was because of the build-up from everything everyone's said about it or because at this point, thanks to this class, I could just enjoy the effect and not lose my shit. I'm thinking the latter. Maybe Christopher Nolan took a course like this and read Man in the High Castle.
Now my fingers are crossed that Kindred won't make my head spin.

1 comment:

  1. I actually saw Inception before and then again after the first few weeks after this course, and I had totally different reactions to the ending for both times. I was totally crushed the first time I watched it, and the second time I just accepted it and wondered why it mattered.

    It kind of brought to mind the whole purpose and story of Things They Carried. O'Brien would tell heart-tugging stories that allowed the reader to cheer on one character or be thrilled when another survives or succeeds. Then he dropped a bomb (no pun intended) by saying that none of a certain story even happened...or that some of another story was false...and we are left wondering what parts...and then wondering why it mattered at all if it was true! He tells us that the story is more important than the truth behind it and even allows us to question our definition of truth.

    After that, the ending of Inception (or any movie) didn't bother me. "So what HAPPENED?" That doesn't matter.
