Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Final Paper

I've come to the conclusion that although at the top of my page it says "It's deceptively simple," this final paper is anything but that. I've been staring at my computer screen for a good 30 minutes now just reading over the words "Construct a moral for approaching life." What does that even mean? I guess I'll be thinking for a couple hours.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. The simplicity of the question asked for this assignment is very misleading and manipulating. I'm using a method where I consider all the books we've read and then see what characters "speak to me" and why they do. I'm guessing I like them so much because they have some of the morals or rules I think people should use in life. Kind of helps but still difficult. I think the hardest part is finding a moral to approach life that you completely agree with.
