Thursday, March 31, 2011


so did felipe remind anyone else of that ridiculously dumb person in horror movies? you know, the one who doesn't see the totally obvious twist in the plot coming? I mean honestly the minute it's pointed out that aura and consuelo move at the same time, I figured it out. I guess there are a lot of complexities that come with him potentially being the general in some form...but in that case shouldn't he already know where his youth comes from, like aura does?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you to an extent, but I don't think you give Felipe enough credit. I think Felipe seemed like that dumb character in the scary movie, but if I was in his position, I wouldn't have figured his role in the situation until he did. We as the audience may think he is stupid for not seeing the connection sooner, but we cannot be certain that if we were in his position we would have known any sooner than he would. If this would happen to you, would this be your first thought? I think it would be highly unlikely that you would come to that conclusion first (without having read the novel). The role he plays in the novella is very complex, and although similar to Aura, he is an outsider whereas she has been living like this, I'm assuming, her whole life. Also, he doesn't have to stay at the house for very long to figure the situation out, so I think you don't give Felipe enough credit; his train of thought about Aura and Senora are realistic. Also, since we are in this class, aren't we expecting some sort of odd twist, so don't we already have some pre-conceived notions about the novella that Felipe doesn't have the advantage of having? We expect things to be different than what they seem to be at first, but Felipe only wanted a job.
