Tuesday, May 3, 2011


so yeah basically memento hammers home the message that we have discussed all semester, that truth is subjective and something that each individual creates for themselves. also, shutter island is pretty much the same movie. it is interesting to think about how everyone creates their own truth in some ways. many would argue that religion serves this purpose for many people, allowing them to live in a world in which they believe that good deeds in life will lead them to a wonderful afterlife, thus giving them purpose (like leonard gives himself purpose by creating this investigation for himself). many people also tend to perceive people's words and actions in accordance with what they want to hear or see. although these are not necessarily honest ways to live one's life, this does not necessarily mean that it is a worse or wrong way to live. I believe that if you are not hurting or harming anyone and are still able to function in society, creating a truth for yourself that makes you happier is perfectly fine. Why not? After all, you only have one life to live, and you might as well be happy during the time you are given.

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