Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Mirror, Mirror

I found this book to be confusing and creepy. Something that stood out to me was the reflection between Aura and Consuelo. I am not too sure but I think they might have been the same person, similar to a mirror image of each other but in a youthful and elder form. Aura projects a youthful Consuelo. This is seen at the dinner table when “Senora becomes motionless, and at the same moment Aura puts her knife on her plate and also becomes motionless, and you remember that the Senora put down her knife only a fraction of a second earlier” (69). Consuelo is dictating Aura’s actions based on those of her own. It is scary that they reflect each other and become “motionless” at the same time. The bilingual text also adds to this parallel because the text itself is a mirror image. I did notice though that the English is all in present tense, while the Spanish is in future tense. However, if Consuelo is living through Aura, does that mean she had sex with Felipe? 

1 comment:

  1. I think it is interesting when the reader is able to make this connection between Aura and Consuelo. I sensed the parallels rather early, yet it took me a while to fully accept the idea of Aura and Consuelo being the same person. After I realized the connection, I began to wonder if Felipe experiences the same realization before the final scene. It is difficult to believe that Felipe can remain in the dark for so long when the novel makes it more and more obvious. Since Felipe's emotions and inner thoughts are not shared, the connection is left entirely up to the reader.
