Monday, October 5, 2009


This movie started off by telling the end of the story. I need to watch at least another time to fully understand the plot. This was a way to show a different view of the story. We found out about things that occured and then it was explained. This movie reminded me of something Quinto Terantino would direct. I had no idea what to believe and what happened to Sammy or is that a story of him? Everything that happened was somewhat backwards and needed to be thought about after it happened.

The scene that got me very interested was the home "Sammy" was in the wheelchair and when the nurse walked by Lenorad was in the chair. This was a cool shot by the director because it cause some forshadowing and thinking of what was really going on. Do you believe the crazy memory lost man or the cop?

It seemed to me to be a good guy bad guy type movie. You want to believe the man fighting for the revenge of his wife but is he really the truth? Like everything else we read in this class we never know what is the truth and what is the lie or the overall plot of the story. So I have choose to just enjoy how I want to enjoy. This movie confused me but it is a movie I want to see again and hopefully it will make sense to me then.

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