Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I know I posted already but I just watched this movie "Tapped" which is all about how terrible plastic water bottles are, and huge chunk of it was about how big companies like Coca-Cola and Nestle manipulate the consumer, so I thought I would post again.  Every Aquafina, Poland Spring, and Dasani that you find advertise the pureness and safeness of their water, saying that it is better than any other water out there, especially tap water.  But this is a load of bull.  To begin with, more than 60% of all bottled water comes from the tap.  It is no more pure than any water you can get out of the bathroom sink in Bundy.  Further, these companies insist that their bottled water is super, extra safe.  Lies again.  Bottled water is virtually unregulated.  Only one half of one woman at the FDA is in charge of all 8 million bottles of water that are consumed each day.  All of the reports that this one woman reads on the "safeness" of bottled water are written by Coke, Nestle, and Pepsi themselves and are never available to the public, which makes us think that they aren't all that reliable.  I mean never once has an independent source tested bottled water for contamination, it is always Coke saying that Coke's water is great.  Tap water, on the other hand, is extremely regulated, tested multiple times a day so you find out within hours if something in your water is bad.  Plus, the plastic bottles themselves are not healthy.  All plastic water bottles are made with PET (you can see it on the bottom of any bottle, next to the recycle symbol).  PET is part of the benzene family, which is a cancer causing chemical, and it has happened many, many times that dangerous amounts of benzene are in the plastic bottles and they have to be recalled.  PET is also killing hundreds of people who live in towns surrounding the plastic-making factories because it gets into their groundwater and lungs through air pollution.  So basically when plastic water bottles advertise how safe and clean their water is, they really mean that their water is unregulated, may cause cancer if you drink from the bottle, and is killing a ton of innocent strangers.  Yet I bet anyone who hasn't seen a documentary on bottled water would be oblivious to these facts and truly believe that Poland Spring is much cleaner, safer, and more pure than tap water.  That's some serious manipulation right there.

By the way, Aquafina actually does say on its label that it is "from a public water source" aka tap water, yet it has mountains on the front to manipulate the consumer into believing that it is from a super clean mountain stream.  Dasani refuses to mention that it is from tap water on their labels.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! I have seen that video too..I was shocked to know this thing too. They are just playing games and manipulating people.

    Anyways..recycle your plastic bottles to reduce waste

    Recycling Plastic Containers
