Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Why is google stalking me?

        In recent years some bright genius down at Google decided that it would be a great idea to track our queries, website visits, video watchings, etc. I mean why not? It's not like I respect my privacy or anything. Regardless, what Google is attempting to do is generate a thicker stream of revenue through the use of advertisements. These advertisements that are "just for you" demonstrates an abuse of a privacy loophole to manipulate our dealings on the world wide web.
         Regardless of whether or not you may buy the bearded beanie that shows up on your newsfeed is beside the point. Over time the constant bombardment of advertisements becomes too much and curiosity overtakes you. Very quickly you go from simply ignoring the stupid ads to saying "what the hell" and clicking on the link. Soon this becomes a very slippery slope and the time spent browsing becomes time spent buying. And in a matter of seconds the manipulation you said you would never succumb to becomes the $100 t-shirt getting shipped to your mailbox. And each one of those clicks you make gradually becomes another dollar in Google's bank account. Without even knowing it, the pages you once visited becomes the tool that manipulates you into spending hard earned money on something you may not necessarily need.

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