Friday, October 18, 2013

Herzog's Angle

The heavy presence of Herzog throughout the documentary bothered me.  The part that I was the most uncomfortable with was when he listened to the audio of the killing and told her never to watch it and tried to console her while the camera is panning up for her reaction.  I guess it seemed like such a "I'm such a great documentary person, watch me make these wise comments" moment.  I think I'm really just bothered by Herzog getting personally involved IN the documentary, in addition to his heavy editing. He made several other commentary over obvious points throughout his documentary.  You can basically hear him telling you how to think about Timothy.  

What is Herzog trying to accomplish with this documentary?  It certainly isn't the celebration of Timothy's life.  He seems to be trying to make a tragic figure out of Timothy, and better explain his actions, but it feels so scripted to me.  After watching the documentary, I felt an overwhelming urge to want to have known Timothy for myself, to make my own judgments on him and his happiness.  How happy is Timothy Treadwell?  He must have known (in some way) that his mission, while amicable, was self constructed due to the continued protection of the park service.  This is kind of explained towards the end of the documentary by him not believing they were doing a good job, but still, after repeating this for that many years, how would he have not doubted his goal? How did he regard those who talked to him on those off months?  And yet, I know it's impossible to get answers for these questions.  Herzog's interpretation is the closest answer I can settle for at this point in time. 

1 comment:

  1. I had the same reaction about how obvious his choices in directing were. Therefore I don't think you can actually consider Herzog's interpretation as answers to your questions, even if they remain unanswered. Adding to what you said about the scene of the death audio, I got the feeling that not only his part was unnatural, but also that of Treadwell's ex-girlfriend. So can you really trust the testimonies Herzog gathered from treadwell's peers and "friends", which presume to be honest? I think not.
