Monday, November 7, 2011

Bringing it all Back Home

Recently, in my philosophy of literature class, we discussed the book, The Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat and the questioning of the truthfulness of the stories presented-in our case, we only read one story for class. We discussed whether or not the truthfulness of each clinical tale even really mattered. Now, I'm going to be writing a short paper discussing the ideas presented in class and arguing that the story is emphasized as truth throughout the book and considering the story as fiction takes away from a great deal of its meaning.


  1. Lovely! (Just goes to show you how *not* very separate all of our studies can be.)

  2. End of the semester follow up! Instead of writing about The Man Who Mistook His Wife for A Hat, I wrote instead about the idea of truth in the Library of Babel, by Jorge Luis Borges after the google books preview timed out. And behold, I'm now writing my final paper on Borges!
