Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"Science has made us gods even before we are men" -Jean Rostand

It is amazing what a book of lies can make someone believe, and no I am not talking about the characters in the novel; I am talking about myself. I believe the statement "Science has made us gods before we are men" very similar to the novel. I do not believe I would have agreed with this quote before reading. However, Cat's Cradle, has completely flipped my beliefs on this upside down.

With the examples of science presented in the plot of the story, it becomes apparent that scientist have a whole lot of power. Taking away human life in the millions by the creation of a bomb is a god-like power. To create something like x-9 that could freeze someone to death in a matter of seconds is also a god-like power. The only other thing I think that could possibly be do this would be God Himself. This may not necessarily make scientist gods, yet they do somehow measure up to a god's powers. The question remains however, what makes us men?

This is where I believe religion ties in. Having some kind of values, morals, and belief system makes a person a person. If one was to follow Bokononism faithfully, they would "make you brave and kind and healthy and happy." A man should be those things! Religion may not make sense like science, where you can combine this and this and BOOM there goes Japan. But to be a happy man and to attempt to make sense of things like wiping out millions, I do believe religion is a necessity. We have to be good men before we attempt to be "scientific gods."


  1. You bring up an interesting point. The more knowledge we get from science, the more likely we’ll believe that we can control the world. In reality, though, only God can control the earth’s forces. It reminds me of the phrase, “Just because we can, doesn’t mean we should.” Cat’s Cradle challenges us to think about this question, and it becomes a test of morals. As you point out, it’s our morals that make us human. Therefore, we cannot afford to forget them as we continue explore and research new areas of science.

  2. I never thought that scientist have god like powers but you are right where if people have the ablity to make a bomb or ice-nine, at least in the book, to take away people's lives that is very scary in ways. Not that I personally believe God is the reason people die but it seems that science shouldn't be able or capable to decided for us either.

  3. First: watch for typos... x-9 should be ice-nine, and there are various moments in need of proofreading.

    Second, great application of the Rostand quote. I am particularly struck by the remaining question of "what makes us men," and your response to it in the following paragraph. Nicely done. (So is religion necessary for goodness? And science necessary to become gods? Hmmm...)
