Sunday, March 2, 2014

An Occurrence at Katmai National Park

Obsession leads people to do crazy things. Usually when there’s an obsession, a compulsion will follow. In the case of Timothy Treadwell, his obsession was clear: to save the grizzly bears. The compulsion that followed was Treadwell living in Katmai National Park in Alaska for 13 summers. This story resembles “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” because I believe that both Farquhar and Treadwell have an obsession, and act on it. Farquhar tries to sabotage the Yankees’ site at Owl Creek Bridge because he believes that he is doing the right thing.

            Both Farquhar and Treadwell seem unaware of the consequences of their actions, and continue to be “activists” in their own rights. Treadwell is fighting for the grizzly bears, and Farquhar is fighting for the Confederacy. In the mini videos I watched of Treadwell, he seemed to lose himself in the park. In the first episode, he calmly explained about the park and about Downey the bear. But, in another episode, his obsession seems to be mentally degrading him, as evidenced by him giving instructions to Downey of how to catch food from a river. Similarly, Farquhar at the beginning of “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” has his faculties about him. His fixation on hurting the Union compels him to go to Owl Creek Bridge. The reader can see Farquhar’s mental degradation during the hanging as he hallucinates about escaping from the Yankee troops with such clarity and accuracy. Ultimately, both Treadwell and Farquhar’s obsession lead to their demise, as a bear ravages Treadwell, and Farquhar hangs for his crime.

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