Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Don't take that step

The pretext of House of Danger warns the reader what the book has in store. At this exact moment I have not passed that page. One page; a single page, spoke to me. It tells you that the book is about choice and what happens when you chose a specific path, whether it be the right one or the wrong one. You determine how the story is going to end based on which path you choose.

Life is the bigger picture of Montgomery's book. We chose our path based on our desires, wants, and goals in life. There are times when people chose to go the longer way to work because it is a nice day out. On this new path they run into a random stranger, this stranger ends up being the head of a company you would kill to work for. You chat and they end up wanting to talk to you again about maybe working for them next year. Was it fate that brought you two together? Was going to long way in your destiny? Yes, the decision was yours but what was their decision that day? So many different ideas could answer all these questions but does it matter?

This blog post is more to have the reader figure out what they believe in. I personally believe in some strange way our lives are mapped out, that we were destined to take a specific path, even if we feel like we are choosing it.

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