Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Fashion magazines and advertisements are manipulative as a whole within our society. I brought the Vogue magazine into class as a prime example of these manipulations mostly because of my knowledge of the fashion industry. In the riveting documentary The September Issue, the viewer follows Vogue’s editor-in-chief Anna Wintour as she prepares for the highly desired and anticipated September issue of the magazine. What we learn from this documentary is that Wintour has the entire fashion industry in the palm of her hand—her choices for what is fashionable are displayed in the magazines and are what models, designers, girls, women, and a large chunk of society aim for. The fashion industry is also famous for its advertisements that are full of lanky, tall, beautiful, “perfect” women who readers are supposed to strive to become. In reality, it is something like 2% of women who are this size, and if one watches the Dove evolution video, they can see how fabricated the entire industry is. We can say however, that the advertisement editors do have some impressive photoshop skills.

The other video I attached is on the same page and it shows how women put on make up- it shows the viewer how much is used over the course of the year for a “natural look.”



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