Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thank you media

Lately, it seems that many of the class discussions and blog posts have concentrated on a false sense of advertising by the media. As the semester is winding down, I have thought about the path our class has taken, and our own interests truly have determined the syllabus. So much material has been covered in such little time. It is important not to forget the different “worlds” we have been introduced to.

I am beginning to get my final paper together, and as abstract as it sounds, I will be using Area 51. This is a military property outside of Las Vegas, which has been top secret for decades. The purpose of this military base has been questioned for as long as it has been there. It is famous for both the rumored research of alien folklore and testing new military technology that the world is yet to see. Nobody knew for sure until lately when the government had released results of tests and experiments on military equipment, mostly aircraft.

False advertising has been around for as long as production has started. In the early developments of this country, people were still deciding which materials were best to use in their ships, what food to eat, etc. All of these were still run by companies advertising that one was better than the rest.

Area 51 was falsely advertised by the media. One man claimed to see something in the air, and assumed it was a UFO, the next thing we know the site is claimed to be researching extraterrestrial life. Not only is it interesting to see how the media blows up a simple mistaken identification, but also how people are so easily fooled by it. It is fair to say that there are still many out there who believe the Area 51 site was used to research life beyond our planet. Thanks to the media, the hope is still alive for those who think there is such thing as life beyond our planet.

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