Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Product Placement

Have you ever noticed how in a lot of recent movies, all of the characters have iPhones and use MacBooks? And scenes are shot at specific angles to make the apple insignia obvious? This, in my opinion, is an especially sneaky way of advertising. Nothing is directly telling you 'here are the reasons why you should buy our excellent product!' but just showing the images could send subliminal messages to the audience.

I confess that I saw Breaking Dawn, the new Twilight movie, over Thanksgiving break. Out of all the ridiculous moments in that movie, one that really bothered me was that Edward Cullen had an iPhone. I mean, why would a vampire need an iPhone? Is he really going to sit around using all those fancy apps, playing Angry Birds in his spare time while Bella is sleeping, beating his vampire siblings in Words with Friends, and updating his Facebook status? Can't he just use any old cell phone, if all he ever does with it is call people? Nevertheless, Apple paid a lot of money to have their products shown in the movie, because if Edward Cullen has an iPhone, then millions of preteen girls might subconsciously conclude that they should have one, too.

I've noticed Apple products making their way into many recent movies, but this was the most obvious and silly example I could think of. Sure, it makes sense for a fairly well-to-do character in a movie to have a MacBook. I can accept that, although it still annoys me that they blatantly show the apple insignia. But a vampire using an iPhone? I'm pretty sure there's no app for bloodsucking.


  1. haha "I'm pretty sure there is no app for bloodsucking". Good line. But who knows, the way apple is advancing there probably will be someday. Placement is important whether it is in movies, on jerseys in sporting events, or even the aisles at the stores. But you make a good point, when is it all too much?

  2. In one of my classes last year in High school we discussed this very topic and although I agree with you that this product placement is a sneaky, yet ingenious, way to advertise, someone else in the class brought up a good point. Is really that the advertising in the movie that is becoming overbearing, or is it the advertising outside that is causing this reaction. To be honest with you I think it would be weird if a character in a movie these days used a phone that wasn't a blackberry or iphone. I think that is a product of all the advertising outside the movie. The reason it is in the movie then isn't for advertising but to keep up with social trends. It makes it feel as if the character is actually living in our decade, living among us. I though it was an interesting idea.
