Sunday, November 17, 2013


In all honesty, I hate homework, but then again, who doesn’t? Think about it for a minute, we have literally been doing homework nonstop since the 1st grade. Thirteen years of our live with homework always looming over our heads. Each year it seems like it can’t possibly get harder or more time consuming, but here we are. One of my biggest regrets in life is complaining about the one-sided math sheet that constituted my math homework in 6th grade. What the heck was I thinking? We grow up being told by our teachers and parents how important homework is, but really, all these years we could have just rebelled. We are manipulated into doing our homework because it has consequences that affect us in the long run, and we can’t have that…

I know, just as well as my friends and family, that I spend too much time doing my homework. Maybe it is partially my slightly OCD nature, but then again maybe it is the fact that I have been manipulated into giving homework such a high level of importance. It has been engrained into my mind that homework is so important and that I don’t want to disappoint my teachers, but really what would they be loosing if I spent a more normal amount of time on my homework? The only person I am affecting is me.

As an example, I spend an average of five hours on my calculus homework every Sunday and Tuesday night. Then, I spend more time finishing it in office hours the next day. I spend twice the amount of time that my friends do on their calc homework, not because I don’t understand it, but because I make sure that I do my best work and write down all my steps. We will have done a total of about thirty separate math assignments by the end of the semester, and TOGETHER they are 10% of our grade. That means that they are each about 0.03% of my total grade. So why do I spend so much time on them? I literally have no idea. Do I get pride out of completing something that I was supposed to be able to do? I have been manipulated into putting my homework on such a high pedestal that I now know I am doing it, and still can’t help myself.

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