Sunday, December 8, 2013

He Wants To Be Happy

My post last week was before I saw the last half of the movie and everything I said in that post looks pretty dumb right now.  I talked about the value of truth and how Leonard lives his life off of the truth, which provides him with happiness.  I found it interesting how this movie went against everything we learned in this class.  Now after watching the end of the movie it seemed all of that was wrong.  Leonard was living off of these lies to give him happiness.  We saw at the end of the movie that he had a tattoo saying “I’ve Done It”, which means he killed the man that raped and murdered his wife.  However, in that same scene we see his wife, which means his wife never died.  This is very confusing and the truth is lost in the scene.  There is also a scene directly before the flash of Leonard and his wife, when Leonard is with Teddy.  Leonard writes Teddy’s license plate number down to give himself another clue.  Leonard seemed to reach a dead end, so he found a way to keep going.  He made up these lies to give himself happiness.  The only way Leonard can be happy is if he keeps killing people that he believed killed his wife.  While, what Leonard is doing is very bad (killing people) he is still finding happiness.  Looking at the big picture this movie shows the power of lies and how they give people happiness, which ties into everything we have looked at in this class.

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