Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Truth Lies and Inception

To be honest, this class reminds me of the movie inception. In order to fully appreciate the movie you need to watch it more than once. The first time you watch it, it’s confusing, and you are left wondering how everything you just saw works together. Each time you see it you catch something that you didn’t notice or understand before. However, no matter how many times you watch it, or how much you think you understand, you still leave the movie feeling like you need to let your head rest for a while. This is exactly how I feel after each and every English class. Just when I think I am grasping onto a concept, we move “deeper into the dream”. The idea gets more profound, and I find myself dumbfounded all over again. The common, yet complex ideas we discuss in class make me rethink the way I view the world around me. I have become aware of the manipulation that surrounds me everyday, and it is interesting to think that all these years I have either not noticed, or chose to ignore such manipulation. In class, we bring each idea around, only to make it more intricate (never making a full circle). Truth Lies and Literature has made me realize that it isn’t necessarily the most complex topics that can be so profound, rather the simplest ones that you delve the deepest into. 

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