Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Pursuit of Happiness

Finding what makes us happy is a life-long process that is constantly evolving. People, interests and circumstances change all the time, which directly affects what it takes someone to be satisfied. The workshop we did in class on Friday really made me reflect on my own life. Over the past six months, I’ve been trying to find things in my everyday life that make me happy. I’ve spent so much of my time worrying about the long run and where each little step I take may bring me. I’ve come to realize that each step happens for a reason, and that sometimes the things that make you the happiest are the smallest things that others may not even notice. I thought back to times when I was unhappy and tried to notice common trends within those occurrences, and realized that sweating the small stuff caused most of them. I’ve learned to appreciate the people in my life that make me a better person, and bring out a side of me that I like, tying back to the idea of maintaining good relationships. Everyone has their own way of being happy, and the hardest part is just learning what those things are. However, once you figure that out, you’re on the windy road to self-actualization.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a very powerful idea. We do need to take time in our lives to embark on that journey to find what makes us happy. With that said, it is a hard process and a lot of the time what we think is suppose to make us happy, in fact makes us a lot unhappier. I think just finding the small things, like you said, is a key step in this life long process.
