Tuesday, March 29, 2011

SUM more Sean-Paul foe yo Ass!

Translation from one language to another (like Spanish to English) can dilute or even shift the author's meaning. & Translation can involve bending the language to new requirements.

Hopefully this helps to "drive it home."=idiom

"When a Frenchman, for example, says to other Frenchmen ‘The country is done for’ — which has happened, I should think, almost every day since 1930 — it is emotional talk; burning with love and fury, the speaker includes himself with his fellow-countrymen. And then, usually, he adds ‘Unless ...’ His meaning is clear; no more mistakes must be made; if his instructions are not carried out to the letter, then and only then will the country go to pieces. In short, it is a threat followed by a piece of Advice and these remarks are so much the less shocking in that they spring from a national intersubjectivity."
For Example: "Mann this country Gon blow up, unless Obama do sumthin bout this Health care."
"But on the contrary when Fanon (philosopher/critic of the gov) says of Europe that she is rushing to her doom, far from sounding the alarm he is merely setting out a diagnosis. This doctor neither claims that she is a hopeless case — miracles have been known to exist — nor does he give her the means to cure herself. He certifies that she is dying, on external evidence, founded on symptoms that he can observe."

Can you see the difference ,in function, of what is being said in the same language?
( how does the change in time effect the same statement?)

Is translation necessary?


  1. In my opinion, both parties are genuinely concerned about their gov and both are equally expressive in their context.
    The difference lies in their relationship, countrymen speaking to countrymen, differs from formal communication, but is demonstrated to be as successful, given the circumstances. Where as formality is seemingly better or right, it does not always give the desired effect.

    Imagine if all of us had a deep understanding of formal and casual spanish including slang etc.
    Aura would probably be......

  2. Ramble---------> IN regards to Errrbody trynna Educate the Natives

    This seems to be a human issue, in the struggling to be civilized, perfect.
    or maybe just western thinking,on sum, manifest destiny, educate the barbarians type shh.
