Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Food Choices

I know that when I was a highschooler, everything at a college seemed fascinating to me. So when the tour guide would say things like "we have a sushi bar," it would make me feel like "wow, this school's got everything." But in reality, the sushi bar only has two kinds of sushi. There's also a myth on campus that when families come to visit, the food just so happens to get a a lot better which may or may not be true. Even before we came to the school, we were manipulated.

At Hamilton, I would say that the food choices are decent. To be honest, I think that the amount of choices in food that we have are very limited. Sure, the salad bar and sandwich bar are alright and the pizza can sometimes actually be pretty tasty. But at dining halls like Mcewen and Commons, aside from those things, there really isn't much. The "hot food" section, minus the steamed vegetables which sometimes taste raw, usually only has around two to three main dishes that taste good.  Especially since the sushi bar at Commons and the global food section at Mcewen aren't very authentic sometimes, it gives the students few options to choose from. The diner is definitely on the higher end of the spectrum since it has a pretty good menu and the food actually does taste good. So the diner would probably be a good option but it can also be considered limited since it has set number of available options. So as students, we are manipulated sometimes to just settle for what food looks or sounds good.

I'm not trying to criticize the food here at Hamilton. I do sometimes actually like the food, but it's just that when you really look at it, the options are always limited. But it's understandable that at a school with a relatively small campus and population of students compared to other colleges and universities, we wouldn't really find it necessary to have 8 dining halls. Even if the food at both Commons and Mcewen isn't very good and you're not in the mood for diner, there's always the option of ordering out and even then there aren't that many restaurants around campus to choose from.

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