Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Future (UGGGG!)

I am one of the many who countlessly stresses about the future. Not just the next week, although thanks these so call “midtermish exams” that’s hell, but the real future. For example, what they hell am I going to do after college, what will be my career, will I get married and have kids etc. I feel this hovering pressure from the future constantly saying, “yo Kylie, get you shit together so you can be successful and happy.” What does that even mean? Is my life going to be measured in terms of how much money I make, or my general happiness, well no, but yes. Let me explain. I believe that we are all manipulated by the “American Dream.” We know what it means, that there is this path to infinite glory that we all have the potential to attain, but the problem is “this path” clearly indicated that there is only one path. We really have one/ no choice at all. We are pressured from parents, friends, and college, that in order to live a fulfilling life we need to have a good job, and be financially stable, of course that is important, but honestly that’s bull.  I feel that we have been trained and manipulated to believe that the American Dream revolves around money and power. So much of what I am deciding on what to major in is due to what will get me the best job in the future, not necessarily what I want to do. It is so hard to shake that pressure because it is so dominate. I just think people would be so much happier here and everywhere if they really started to find their own path and not the one we all so eagerly try to take, because for a lot of us that path only bring misery. Long story short, we all need to find what WE want to do and be the directors of our OWN lives.

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate to this. I'm also one of those people who constantly stresses about the future, mostly because I think I have too many things I want to do in my life. When deciding my major, a huge factor was definitely what I could 'do the most with' or in other words, what would get me a good job. I felt a lot of pressure from my parents because I knew what they wanted me to choose. We are manipulated every day by the expectations of society. Like we were talking about in class the other day, for a lot of us going to college wasn't the choice, where we were going was. My parents always told me that I had to get my college degree and after that I could do whatever I wanted, whether I was going to college or not was never even a discussion.
