Tuesday, April 14, 2015

I'm really gullible.

If I’m being blunt, (which I usually am on these blog posts because I feel like the nature of this class allows me to do that) I’m bothered by how we have to focus so much on manipulation for the next few classes because it only elucidates how gullible I really am.

Here’s an example: I live in Dunham. This afternoon when I was walking back up to my room, I tried to go in the bathroom but was stopped in the hall by a friend who said “Ooooh, I don’t know if you wanna go in there, Sarah. Someone was in there before physical plant shut off the water and messed with the pipes so it overflowed and now there’s piss all over the floor.” I was so flippin’ annoyed, not just because I wouldn’t be able to use the bathroom for however long, but because I WAS ACTUALLY ABLE TO USE THE BATHROOM THE ENTIRE TIME. I walked by the bathroom again 10 minutes later and saw someone walk out totally not grossed out. Apparently, the water was shut off for a while, but there wasn’t pee anywhere… it was just water drainage from the sink area that was pooling up and I guess my friend was assuming the worst. The ACTUAL worst is the fact that I blindly believed her and was almost manipulated to take her word for it, for whatever reason. If all I needed to do was fill up my Nalgene, then why did the stall area even matter to me? Why did I let myself feel like I was dying of dehydration for those 10 minutes? I guess I was persuaded by her disgust and body language, but I feel like that’s hardy a valid reason. (Also I'm not completely sure how relevant this story was, sorry.)

In my defense, Dunham (AKA the dirty D) is nasty a lot of the time maybe it wasn’t entirely gullible of me to take her word for it but still, it’s the little things like this that remind me that I don’t always have to try to believe everyone, and that I can use my own senses to guide me instead of having complete faith in others.

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