Monday, April 21, 2014

First Manipulated, Next Responsible

I think discussing manipulation through our mediated artifacts is really interesting because we are admitting to our manipulation and our implicit and explicit acceptance of that manipulation. And being manipulated is not always bad.  For example, Barbara was talking about her incredible bungee-chair.  She didn't think it was particularly comfortable, but she still thought it was great and decided she wanted it regardless of whether it was the most comfortable or the most practical.  

Through our discussion on manipulation, we are placing the responsibility on ourselves for how we are going to deal with this manipulation because we can no longer pretend it isn't there.  In effect, I think this allows us to be adults and choose who we want to be.  Because we are understanding more about the forces of manipulation around us, we cannot hide behind ignorance any longer.  We have to make decisions and accept that our decisions may help or hinder us.  We can choose to stop buying products that hinder the environment or hinder our bodies.  Or, we can buy the products we already buy, and understand that we may be hurting the environment or ourselves.  But it is all up to us.  The responsibility is now on our shoulders, and we have to figure out what we want to do with it.  


  1. I find this idea of responsibility of manipulation really fascinating. It has become evident throughout this course that manipulation is everywhere, and we cannot hide from it. We need to adapt to it, get used to it, and start to recognize it. When we do this, we will become less naïve, and therefore be able to push past the façade that manipulation is not present. In effect, we would be giving manipulation a role in society. But, as long as we can see it, then it cannot necessarily control our actions and thoughts.

  2. I also find this idea fascinating because I believe that understanding manipulation adds yet another level of manipulation. Although we have the opportunity and knowledge to prevent manipulation from controlling our actions, it may still control our thoughts. When buying certain products now, we may still find that we manipulate our own thoughts and convince ourselves that our purchase is still necessary. We can recognize the manipulation and then manipulate ourselves to believe that we still need the product or that the product is beneficial in some way. Does the manipulation ever stop?
