Monday, April 21, 2014

Manipulated by You All

We're manipulated all the time, whether it be subconsciously or under our own awareness. This has been brought to our attention from the moment we walked into class on the first day. I've been making it a point to pick up on the countless manipulations I'm faced with every day. I'm manipulated by my friends, by my teachers, by society, by my coaches, by my schoolwork, by standards, and by everything else in between.

Today as I was reading through the blog posts, I realized that I am manipulated by my own classmates as well. I have grown accustomed to reading through my classmates' blog posts before I write mine. I like to see everyone's thoughts and interpretations before I sit down to compile my own. It occurred to me that right now I am being manipulated into writing about manipulation. Everyone else is doing it, so it must be the right thing to do, right? You don't want to be that one person that suddenly posts about something completely irrelevant to what everyone else in the class is talking about, or do you? Sometimes we must learn to take notice of the manipulations in front of us, and take a risk and go against what we "should" do.

1 comment:

  1. I had never look at this, but you are very right. No one goes against the other blog posts, and I definitely read other peoples posts before I write my own. I think we are just conditioned into doing what every one else does. If everyone goes to college, you go to college; if everyone wears sperrys, you wear sperrys; and if everyone writes their blog post on manipulation so will you.
    I think what matters is that we are now aware of this manipulation and are a step ahead of the rest.
