Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Help With Evidence

I noticed that part of my argument rested in part on recollections of class discussions. In the hope of creating a fuller argument, I was hoping that you could comment below to support or maybe even disagree with my argument (I referenced this post in my paper as additional evidence, if additional evidence is desired). I argue that we have been manipulated by the storytelling around us (movies, books, dance, art, etc.) to look for fulfilling endings. I was hoping that you guys might comment (whenever in the semi-near future) with your experience when reading House of Danger. Did you pursue multiple endings? If not, was it because you felt like you shouldn't for some reason or maybe just didn't feel like it or didn't have time? Thank you in advance for any comments!


  1. When I got to my ending, I wasn't satisfied with it. I thought it was kind of lame and boring, because I was expecting a much more exciting ending given the title. However, when I finished I just kind of accepted it, and didn't really try to go back and see what I would have gotten had I chosen a different path. I looked back at my path and flipped around a little to what other ways I could have gone, but I didn't try and pursue a completely different ending. I was in a little bit of a time crunch, because it was the night before the reading was due and I kind of just wanted to get it over with. So, when I did get to an ending quickly, I just accepted it.

  2. When I read House of Danger, I made a decision that got me killed pretty early on in my reading. All the while, I had blocked out an hour or so of time to read this book and I was done in about 10 minutes. I felt incomplete, as if there had to be something more to the book than some ending where I ended getting killed by a ghost. So I ended up reading the book a few more times, every time a little different. Every time I got to an unsatisfying ending, I would go back to the decision that led me there and choose the alternate story line. I found myself reading the book longing for something more, as if every ending wasn't good enough. I ended up finding an ending I liked, but only after reading about 10 other versions.
