Monday, April 21, 2014

It's All Manipulative

While listening to the mediated artifact presentations on Thursday, I found it interesting that some manipulative artifacts were products such as shampoo and shirts, but also that some artifacts acted as a springboard for stories that were about manipulation and the artifact was simply a launch pad for these stories. My artifact was simply a launch pad for a story about manipulation and so were Sydney’s and Ben’s artifacts. These difference artifacts helped me realize that there is even more manipulation in my life than I had first considered for this project. I had been thinking more about stories from my past that had manipulated me and I had completely skipped over simple examples such as my clothing and toiletries. I absolutely fall victim to manipulation when it comes to clothes and beauty products. It is so easy to read labels that claim superiority to other brands and be manipulated into thinking that you must buy a certain kind of beauty product. For example, I looked up Neutrogena face wash, and the first thing I read on the website was, “A superior choice in gentle cleansing.” From the second you look at their website, you are being manipulated into believe that Neutrogena face wash is better than any other face wash. Then I looked at Aveeno face wash and the first thing I read on their website was “Award-Winning Ultra-Calming Foaming Cleanser.” Award-Winning and Ultra grab your attention and manipulate you to believe that they have the best product. Companies will say whatever they can to manipulate you and try to get you to buy their product. These artifacts helped me see manipulation in my life and from my simple everyday products to memories of manipulation.

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