Thursday, November 12, 2009

>Insert Catchy Title<

The Butterfly Effect is a movie that I have seen many, many times (more times than I can count on both hands combined)- but this movie never ceases to confuse and sometimes anger me. In the real world, people don't have the choice to go back in time and change things, so movies like The Butterfly Effect can easily draw in an audience. In the movie, Evan's time travel is mysterious and exciting because we never know what detail he is going to change and how that detail will change the rest of his life. This aspect of the movie I enjoyed.

The aspect of this movie that I don't enjoy is the way we are left to figure out what part of Evan's life we are seeing and what happened in his past to get him here. The excessive amount of time traveling confuses me immensely because I can't place together where we are in the timeline of Evan's life.

What makes me so angry in watching this movie is the fact that Evan doesn't really know what has happened in his life. With every time travel he changes his future, and when he wakes up from this time travel, he is left to place together the pieces of this recreated past. With every time travel, part of Evan's life is lost and he has to rely on his friends and family to tell him what exactly happened. This makes me mad because Evan's sole purpose in time travelling is to make things better in his future life, and even though he does change his life drastically each time, he also loses his past- and that doesn't seem very fair.

Because it makes me angry that Evan, in changing his future, loses everything about his past, the alternate ending to the movie is a much better ending. Evan never exists which means he never really has a past and never really has a future. This ending works out better for everyone involved, especially Evan.

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