Sunday, May 4, 2014

A Change in Attitude

I can't believe the year is almost over.  I am truly amazed.  Especially because there have been so many parts of this school-year that have gone excruciatingly slow.  However, all of a sudden, I feel the time is flying by.  I think it all comes down to attitude and perspective.  

I keep learning and then forgetting that I can choose to look at a situation in any way I want.  I can look at an assignment, a class, or an experience and find all of its faults.  I can gripe and moan about how hard something is going to be or how unfortunate it is that I have to deal with it.  Or, I take a deep breath and embrace the challenge.  I can recognize that there is always something I can learn from even the worst situations, and that if I didn't have any setbacks now, I would never be able to learn and grow.  

In Psychology, I learned that you can feel happier just by smiling, because you trick your mind into believing you have something to smile about.  I also learned from a recent TedTalk that striking a "power pose", like putting your hands on your hips, can give you more confidence.  These are just two examples of ways that we can trick or manipulate ourselves into feeling better, no matter our actual mood. 

 It has been a tough past few weeks, and more are on the horizon.  However, I am going to challenge myself to look at them with a different perspective, and to recognize that having setbacks and obstacles that test my character are times where I can grow as a person.  And, they make life a hell of a lot more interesting, if nothing else.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sometimes in life we need to manipulate our perspective into a more positive fashion. It is hard to see the positives in a situation, especially when it is a prolonged situation. If we can change our perspective, then we can effectively modify how we look and feel about that certain aspect. We use this form of deception to make ourselves happier. It's almost like a form of peer pressure, except that we are pressuring ourselves instead. The only downside is when we convince ourselves that a situation is not harmful when in reality it is. With a responsible conscious, we can help ourselves push through any obstacle, no matter if the obstacle is big or small.

  3. We are indeed constantly manipulating ourselves to feel a certain way; it may not necessarily always be a happy emotion. When ever I get a bad grade, I let myself feel like I am suppose to be sad and upset but when in reality those grades are not the measure of my intelligent rather it is my failure to memorize some mumbo-jumbo but I still manipulate myself into feeling upset even without realizing. After this course, I am more aware of the manipulation going around me and done by me, they all may not be bad but I have learn that I have the power to be either manipulated by it or not.
