Monday, May 5, 2014

Final Post

For my last blog post, I felt a responsibility to write a post reflecting on the class and all of the great, eye-opening things I’ve discovered during the past four months. I’ve been sitting at my computer for approximately two hours trying to figure out exactly what to write about, that I haven’t already covered in past posts or that we haven’t discussed in class. It’s hard! This is a unique class so it’s difficult to come up with a grand conclusion when everything we’ve learned is still trying to settle in my brain.
I do have a gut feeling this is a class I will be telling my future employers, co-workers, friends, and kids about. However it’s hard for me to put my finger on exactly what aspect of the course or what lesson really resonated and stuck with me. I think that’s because I’m still so wrapped up in the course and it feels like, in terms of what we have learned in this class, it’s Janelle in my head and not necessarily me. I’ve found that a lot of time I gain a new perspective on a class after I’ve had some time away and feel more separated from it. So while right now I feel like the great things we have learned this semester are all just spinning in my head, I’m excited to see how they will affect me in the future, because I know in some way they will. 

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